• Zhang, W., Zhang, J., and Damer, R., 2019, The effects of seismic data conditioning on density estimates from PP-PS joint pre-stack inversion: An example from the Athabasca oil sands, CSEG Symposium and Geoconvention. Link
  • Zhang, J., and McMillan, K., 2018, Quantitative Comparison of Inversion Methods for Estimating Density from Seismic Data, Recorder, September, 38-42. Link
  • Gray D., Todorovic-Marinic D., Larson G. and  Zhang J., 2018, Forecasting Bitumen State, Recorder, April, VOL. 43 NO. 03. Link
  • Zhang J., Todorovic-Marinic D., Holy D., and Zou Y., 2017, Quantitative mapping and classification of a steam chamber – fluid saturation, temperature and phase change, an integrated oil-sands study, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017. Link
  • Zhang J., Larson G., 2016, Monitoring Steam Chamber Movement using Time-lapse PP-PS Joint Inversion, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016. Link
  • Eichhorn, M., Brown, R., Crosby, A., and Zhang, J., 2016, Observation and Prediction on Field-Scale Solvent Chamber Development (in press). Presented at World Heavy Oil Congress.
  • Zhang J., Frederiksen, A., 2013, 3-D Crust and Mantle Structure in Southern Ontario, Canada via Receiver Function Imaging. Tectonophysics, November, Pages 700-712. Link